We develop cutting-edge technology that produces fuel-free and emission-free electricity from various sources of heat, including:

   Industry waste heat
   Solar thermal

We implement our technology at each customer facility, which means the electricity generated is consumed locally, minimizing line losses and avoiding transmission and distribution system upgrades.

How does Pyramid Power produce electricity?

We utilize our patented Low Temperature Phase Change (LTPC) vapor engine and engineered components to assemble Pyramid Power Modules. These modules are capable of operating at a temperature as low as 185 degrees fahrenheit.

We’ve also created a unique heliostat solar collector and parabolic trough collectors that can be paired with our Pyramid Power Modules for small- and medium-scale power projects.

Why is recycled energy ideal?

Recycled energy is fuel-free and pollution-free, and it displaces fossil generation, pollutants and greenhouse gases. Recycled energy will therefore reduce greenhouse gases and emissions of: NOx, SOx, particulate matter, mercury and hazardous air products.

Who does Pyramid Power serve?

Our technology is designed for power plants, cement plants, steel plants, pulp/paper power and recovery centers, dimensional saw mills, petrochemical plants and other facilities that have boilers or other forms of waste heat.